Apardion talks

Massive well done to those who prepared and presented their Apardion talks this week! All posters were beautifully made, hit all success criteria and presented well! Big pat on the back to all!

Pop Art

This week we finally finished our pop art version of Marischall College. We were inspired by artist Andy Warhol and looked at his work before starting. We used pens, watercolours, shaving foam/food dye to create a marbling and straws to make splatter work. They turned out brilliantly! Good effort P2/3 it was very much a teamwork effort to get the, finished in time for the holidays!

Play live multiplication battles

We have spent lots of time becoming fabulous on the laptops this term. It has taken lots of practice to use the mousepad and find the information we need. We have been exploring education city and part of this links to our multiplication in maths.  We have had great fun using the play live feature to battle our classmates (and keep up with Miss Munro ) using our amazing times-table knowledge and it has been great for our quick fire recall! We get very competitive but know it is just for fun!


Apardion Trip

We had an amazing trip to round off our topic today! We followed on Apardion’s footsteps to visit some of the places he has taught us about. We started at Marischal College, then across to see the amazing leopard up high, had a glimpse of Provost Skene house/tolbooth/castlegate/ harbour on our travels before landing at the Maritime Muesum. We spent some time with our guide who taught us about the museum and some aretefacts before we split into our groups to explore! We found hammers, nets, boats, submarines and even got to play with an ROV!!  How exciting! It was safe to say we were very much tired out by our adventures!


Nature Group- bird food

This week for pupil voice groups the nature group made bird food using melted lard mixed with birdseed and used cutters to make them fun shapes. Primary 2/3 then helped with spreading the seeds around in the playground to  help feed the birds. They smelt yucky and we were worried the seagulls were coming to get us! Hopefully the birds and small animals will enjoy them!



Apardion had a very eventful Tuesday!!!! When Miss Munro went for her snack a thief stole Apardion and left a note with some clues.  We used the clues and went investigating! Apardion was found safe and sound in P6 learning about Victorians. What a monkey that Mrs Leslie is!

We used this as inspiration for our newspaper report.

Apardion leaflets



Last week we explored the world of leaflets and finding information. We looked at examples of leaflets before creating our own. We used a survey of our favourite Aberdeen landmarks to decide what to write about. We decided to write about Provost Skene House. We used the information we already knew and added that to our leaflet. Later in the day we learnt how to do a google search for a website with more information and watched a video. We found out some facts that matched with Primary 5’s topic. When our leaflets were complete we went to visit Primary 5 to share our facts and ask them to complete a short survey with us. We found out how many children had visitors the landmarks in the story and asked them some questions about their topic. It was very exciting to visit them! 


World book day



We have had a fantastic day in P2/3 for world book day! On Tuesday we wrote a story about Apardion and his adventure to visit the art gallery.  We have used laptops this week to edit and type up our stories. Today we used the laptops to draw pictures to go with our stories and turned them into our very own book!

We also enjoyed being dressed up in our PJ’s and costumes, reading stories and going to the book swap.

We read a story about a kind giant and thought of kind words we could use in our class. We then completed a book review for the story and made kindness crowns.

What a busy day!