P3/4 Learning Activities – Friday 3rd April

Good Morning and Happy Last Day of Term!!!

Why not start your day with a bit of Cosmic Yoga! This week’s yoga story is about a Robot called Spartz-24. He’s no ordinary robot – he’s a RoboDog of the future!

  • Spelling Test  Today is spelling test day! I hope you’ve had lots of fun learning your words this week using some of our activities.  Ask an adult to call out your list of words and write them in the back of your homework jotter like we normally do.  Good Luck!

It’s Book Buddy Friday again! Choose a book buddy to read to. Remember it could be an adult, a brother or sister or even one of your cuddly toys! Enjoy sharing your story together!


It’s Big Maths Beat That Day!

Please use a sheet from your pack you took home and ask an adult to time you for your challenge. Remember to record your score in your chart in your pink book!

Is this the day you are going to beat your best ever score!

  • Play some games of your choice on Sumdog or Education City


Since we’re away to start our Easter holidays, why not choose one of these creative Easter activities! Have fun!

  • Get an adult to hard boil an egg and then you can decorate it with pens, paints or even stick things on to turn it into something eggciting!!!

If you don’t want to use a real egg you could create an egg design on paper instead.

  • Follow this step by step guide on how to draw an Easter Bunny

  • Make some Chocolate Easter Nests. Click on the link below to find an easy to follow step by step recipe.


If you’d like to play some Easter online games instead  then click on the link below. There are lots of games to choose from including Egg Hunts and painting/colouring eggs online! Have fun!



P3/4 Learning Activities – Thursday 2nd April

Good Morning Everyone!

Today we are going to use our robot designs from yesterday to help with our writing task. Don’t worry if you didn’t get a chance to draw or make one yesterday, you can do still do it today!

I would like you to write a description of your robot of the future. The following questions might help you to think about what you could write:

What is your robot’s name? What does it look like? What exciting features does it have? What types of jobs can it do to help you?

Can you use a connective or wow word in any of your sentences?

Here are a couple of robot designs from yesterday:





  • Choose a different activity from the spelling menu to help you learn this week’s spelling words:

  • Spend 10 to 15 minutes working on your Big Maths daily CLIC targets

5 x table  :Play this game to work on your 5 x table facts and have some fun fishing at the same time!


Why not be a shape detective and go on a 3d shape hunt around your house? I wonder how many things you can find? You could record your findings like this:



  • Here is a link to a song to help with counting to 20 in French:


  • If that’s too easy then why not try this song for numbers from 20 to 50 in French?


  • Here is a link to a French story Mrs Gilmore shared on our Google Classroom yesterday for anyone who missed it. I think you might recognise the story!


Also a reminder of some of the great online activities available out there today:

Have a great day!

P3/4 Learning Activities – Wednesday 1st April

Good Morning Everyone!

Do you remember last week we went on a noun hunt?  Nouns are everywhere around us! A noun is a person, place or thing. This week we are going to try sorting nouns.  Draw a table like this on your paper:

Can you write some nouns in each list? This poster below might give you a few ideas to get your lists started!

  • Choose a different activity from our spelling menu to help you learn this week’s words

Why not join David Walliams at 11am for a free audio story! He will be reading a story from The World’s Worst Children for you to enjoy!  Click on the link below:



  • Spend 10 to 15 minutes working on your Big Maths daily CLIC targets

I have created a 5 x table competition on Sumdog for both the Squares and Circles maths groups.  Squares, you will also have some division questions in there!

The competition will be live from 9am until 3pm today.

Who is going to top the leaderboard for each maths group? Good Luck!

  • There are also some 2D and 3D shape games available in your city now on Education City.  I wonder how much you can remember about shapes?



Why not try designing your own robot of the future! You could make a model of it or just draw your design on paper. It might come in useful for a writing task tomorrow!

Have a great day!

P3/4 Learning Activities – Tuesday 31st March

Good Morning Everyone!

Tuesday is normally our PE morning so let’s get active! Why not warm up this morning with a spot of Zumba!  Click the link below -you might recognise the song! Do you remember dancing in the rain in the Duthie Park!?! Happy Memories!


Time for a Joe Wicks workout now! Make sure the adults get involved too! Click on the link below to access his youtube channel:


Feel free to send me any video clips of you doing Zumba or the  Joe Wicks workout on Dojo or by email!

  • Choose a different spelling activity from the Spelling Menu to help you learn this week’s spelling words

Reading Activity

Choose a favourite book from home or use one of the online reading books on Oxford Owls at Home


Pick a favourite character from the story. Draw a picture of the character and write 3 sentences about them.

  • Spend 10-15 minutes working on this week’s Big Maths CLIC targets.


Why not try setting up your own shop at home? You could maybe use food items from the kitchen cupboards or even some toys from your bedroom. Set prices for your items and make some signs and price labels. Use real coins if possible and take turns of  being the customer paying for the items and also the shopkeeper working out the change.

Here are links to a few money games to play:



Choose some of the Money Games from your city in Education City.

Have a great day!

P3/4 Learning Activities – Monday 30th March 2020

Welcome back Everyone! Hope you had a good weekend!

Here are our Big Maths CLIC Targets for this week :

C – I can partition a 2 digit number (e.g 36 = 30 + 6)

L – I can say the 5 x table.

I – I can find the missing number to the next multiple of 10.                     (e.g. 28 + ?  = 30)  Use your jigsaw numbers to 10 to help you! 

C – I can subtract a 1 digit number from a multiple of 10 (e.g. 50 – 6 = 44,  70-3 = 67)

Try working on them for 15 minutes each day!

Let’s brush up on our 5 x table facts by getting active and singing along !


  • Play Hit the Button to speed up the recall of your 5 x table facts.  Record your highest score for Hit the Answer and Hit the Question. Squares you can also try dividing by 5 on here too.


This game is great for your  Counting CLIC target this week as it helps you with partitioning numbers. Try 2 digit numbers first and if you are finding that easy, why not try 3 digit or even 4 digit numbers!



This week’s spelling sounds are: Rubies (o-e)   Sapphires (ur)  Diamonds (are)

Here are our spelling lists for this week. Please click on the image to see the full list of words.

You can write your words as normal in your spelling homework book and perhaps you might like to try one of the spelling activities from the grid below:

  • Why not choose a new reading book from the Oxford Owls at Home website?



This week, spend time finding out about an endangered animal of your choice. You can create a poster or fact sheet about your chosen animal.  Draw pictures and write some interesting facts  to explain why your animal is in danger.  There is lots of information online but here are a couple of website links to help you  get you started:



Please remember to send me in any pictures of what the children have been getting up to in their learning, either by email or Dojo message, Thanks!

Have a great day!

P3/4 Learning Activities – Friday 27th March

Good Morning! We’ve almost made it to the end of Week 1!

Why not start your Friday with a little bit of Cosmic Yoga! Click the link below to enjoy some yoga based on the story of The Twits by Roald Dahl.


  • Spelling Test  Today is spelling test day! I hope you’ve had lots of fun learning your words this week using some of our activities.  Ask an adult to call out your list of words and write them in the back of your homework jotter like we normally do.  Good Luck!

Normally we have Book Buddies on a Friday. Today you can read to a buddy at home. It could be an adult, a brother or sister or even one of your cuddly toys! Choose a favourite book and enjoy reading to your buddy!

It’s Big Maths Beat That Day!

Please use a sheet from your pack you took home and ask an adult to time you for your challenge. Remember to record your score in your chart in your pink book!

Is this the day you are going to beat your best ever score!

  • Play some games of your choice on Sumdog or Education City


To celebrate the end of Climate Week North East, it’s time to get creative! Why don’t you raid your recycling box at home and use the things inside to create something?

You could make a Recycling monster, a robot, an exciting invention. Anything you can think of really! Use your imagination!  Please send me a photo of anything you make!

For all you Lego fans out there, you might prefer to take part in the 30 day Lego Challenge.  It looks great! Again, remember to send me a photo of anything you build.

Have a great day!

Oxford Owls for Home

Below is a link to a fantastic resource for supporting your child’s learning called Oxford Owls at Home.  It is completely free to register and gives you access to lots of Oxford Reading books in their free elibrary.  Some of the books have interactive comprehension activities too.

Once you are registered there is a useful tool which helps you to  select books at the correct level for your child or you can just browse books by age groups.

As well as providing lots of online reading books, there are also some maths games and a home learning activites section which contains  interactive activites and free printable worksheets.

Definitely worth a look, especially in the absence of reading books coming home. Here is the link if you wish to sign up:



P3/4 Learning Activities – Thursday 26th March

Good Morning! Welcome to Day 4!

  • Since Thursday is normally our writing day, perhaps you might like to write me a letter to let me know how you’re getting on. I would love to hear from you! Think about how you’re feeling at the moment – Are you enjoying time at home? Are you bored or missing your friends? Are you worried about anything? What have you been getting up to this week?

I would love to reply to you so perhaps if you write it on paper then you could send me a picture  or you could even try typing it up on the computer and then an adult could email it to me.

  • Choose a different activity from the Spelling Menu to help you to learn this week’s spelling words. Remember tomorrow is spelling test day!

  • Spend 10-15 minutes working on your daily Big Maths CLIC targets

4 x table: Super Maths Bowling  This one is lots of fun as you get to work on your 4 x table whilst having a game of ten pin bowling!


4 x table: Mental Maths Train This game will help to develop your understanding of the language of multiplication.


  • Log in to Education City and play a few of the Time games which have been put in your personal city.


We normally have French with Mrs Gilmore on a Thursday and she has recommeded this website. It is free to register with.

I’ve managed to create a classroom for us all so if you would like to join please click on the link below and create an account.  (You will need to input an email address) Once in please select Beginners Level. Some of it is quite challenging but if you hover over the words it gives you lots of help!


Finally some ideas of what’s available online today:

Have a great day!


P3/4 Learning Activities – Wednesday 25th March

Good Morning Everyone! Welcome to Day 3!

  • Why not join David Walliams at 11am for a free audio story! He will be releasing a story from The World’s Worst Children every day for the next 30 days! Click on the link below:


  • Choose a different activity from our spelling menu to help you learn this week’s words

Noun Hunt Activity: Nouns are everywhere! Everything you can see or touch around you is a noun e.g. pen, book, carpet etc.    You are going to be a noun detective and go on a noun hunt! Choose a room in your house and write down as many nouns as you can see. Don’t worry too much about spelling, just make as big a list as you can. You could even do it in your garden if you want some fresh air!


  • Spend 10 to 15 minutes working on your Big Maths daily CLIC targets

I have created a 4 x table Challenge and a Time Challenge for the whole class in your Sumdog accounts. It will be live from 9am today until 3pm tomorrow.

There are coins to be won!!!


  • Timer Challenge: Set 30 seconds on a phone/ipad timer or stopwatch. See how many of these things you can do in 30 seconds and record your scores –
  1. Jumping Jacks
  2. Hops
  3. Frog jumps
  4. Sit down/Stand up (on the floor!)

Have a great day!


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