Week Beginning 17.06.19

Art and Science

This week we had an art and science project – we made volcanoes! First we used plastics bottles and paper mache to build our volcanoes. We left it to try and then we painted our volcanoes the next day. On Friday, we used water, bicarbonate soda, washing up liquid, vinegar and food colouring to create a chemical reaction. First we put the vinegar in our volcanoes. Then we mixed all the other ingredients together and poured it into the volcanoes and washed the chemical reaction cause our volcanoes to react!



On Wednesday, the SPPCA came to visit us. We learned lots about their visitor centres and what they do to help animals. We then got to do a quiz about different animals and when we got an answer right we got to build a piece of the owl robot! Finally we got the chance to programme the owl to move and make sounds.


Week beginning 10.06.19


This week we have been learning about measure. First we learned about length. We learned that there are 100 cm in a meter and 1000 meters in a kilometer. In pairs, we estimated and measured different items in the classroom.

We then learned about weight. We learned that there are 1000 grams in a kilogram. First we estimated and then used scales to measure the weight of different items in the classroom. We also used weights to compare the weight of different items.


Mindful Moments

With Mrs Cox this week we listened to a meditation video. We had to close our eyes and listen carefully and do what the lady said. It made us feel calm and relaxed.



This week we have had lots of practises of our dance. On Wednesday, Mrs Sangster came in to help us improve the dance and it’s looking amazing! We have also practised dancing in front of an audience! We have performed in front of all of the P4s and next week we will be performing at assembly!


“This week has been amazing! I have enjoyed dancing with Mrs Sangster.” – Megan

“This week has went past really quickly! I really enjoyed writing my sports day recount.” – Kiersten

“I really enjoyed measuring length with a partner.” –  Ellie

” I really enjoyed measuring the length of the blue unit with Kiersten. It measured 49 meteres!” – Mark

” This week has been fun because we have been measuring lots of things.” – Fraser


Week beginning 27.05.19

Science Experiment

P4G are exploring what plants need to grow. As a class we thought about what we think plants need to grow. We think they need water, sunlight, space and soil. Each child has planted their own sunflower seed which will get sunlight, water, soil and space. We have also planted four different seeds. One will not get water, one will not get soil, one will not get space and one will not get light. Over five weeks we will watch our plants grow and compare them to the plants which will not get water, soil, light or space.


Haiku Poems

On Wednesday we learned that Haiku Poems only have three lines and are normally about nature. The first line only has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables and the third has five syllables. In pairs we wrote poems about the Great Barrier Reef and the Amazon Rainforest. We all done an amazing job!