Week Beginning 3.12.18


On Monday, we learned about the story of Hanukah and the importance of the Menorah. The children then had to put the story in the correct order on to a Menorah.



In pairs, the children had a challenge to build a famous landmark and find information about the landmark such as what country it is. They had to use lots of skills such as teamwork, problem solving, communication and creativity!


Health and Wellbeing with Mrs Cox

During Health and Wellbeing the children practiced their Yummy Tummy breathing which can be used to keep calm  and for relaxation. The children then learned about ‘Gratitude Attitude’ and discussed in pairs what they are grateful for.


Winter Art

On Thursday, we made some winter scenes. We imaged we were looking out of our window and painted what we could see during winter. First, we glued on our window panes and then we painted our scene.