Trip to Allan Park

For our trip tomorrow to Allan Park we will be taking our school bags with us.

Please remember to bring a packed lunch and water bottle. Please bring a waterproof jacket (fingers crossed it won’t be needed!)

Children are welcome to wear comfy clothes tomorrow for our picnic and play trip.

Looking forward to a lovely end of term treat 😊

2 thoughts on “Trip to Allan Park”

  1. Sad I never got to join you all Miss D…. sounded like fab fun jolly.
    Thank you so much for the very thoughtful photo and message you wrote for Conor. He was delighted with his gift and is currently busy drawing in his pad with the gel pens!!
    Have a wonderful holiday and a well earned break.
    The Closey’s have loved being in 3D…you are a magic teacher and we are sorry to be leaving you … we have learned a lot over the last year. Thank you for all your hard work and commitment ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Aw thank you for your lovely message! We had a lovely trip to Allan Park thank you. I hope you had a nice time in Glasgow too – Conor wasn’t sure who you were seeing in concert?

      Thank you for all of your support and help this year. I’m really going to miss this class! Have a lovely summer 🙂

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