Week beginning 18.02.19


Our new maths topic we have been looking at this week was shape. Some of us were revising 2D shapes and some of us were learning about 3D shapes. We have been playing a lot of games to consolidate our learning and we have had a big focus on looking at our maths success criteria for the lesson and traffic lighting to evaluate our learning and understanding of the lessons.


We have been trying to find the time to fit in some GoNoodle this week!

Science – Human Body

Did you know we have 2 lungs and one is slightly bigger than the other? Did you know that when we breathe in we get oxygen and we get rid of carbon dioxide? Our organs are very important and we need them to survive. We were FANTASTIC and learned lots and lots of interesting facts about the lungs and how the lungs work to help us breathe. This is the second organ of the human body we have been learning about after previously learning about the heart. We listened to some songs (slightly annoying but very memorable!) to learn about the lungs…

‘breathe in.. lungs get bigger..

breathe out.. lungs get smaller!’


We took big breaths in and out to try and test this. We then took part in a quiz where we had to predict if a statement was true or false. We voted to show our answers before finding out if we were correct or not.

Topic – Castles Junk Modelling

Our challenge was to create a junk model castle whilst applying our prior learning of castles and some of the parts that a lot of castles would have – moat, drawbridge, arrow slits, battlements etc. In order to do this we had to work well together as a team and keep checking back to the success criteria to ensure that our models were successful. When we were finished we had some more time to add characters and a little bit more detail. We had lots of fun applying our knowledge and cooperative skills.


There were lots of small badminton games going on in gym this week. A lot of us are being very kind and encouraging to others and have been using positive language and praising each other when we do well. We have all progressed a lot since the start of the block.

Golden Time

The Blue Unit started a new system for Golden Time this week. Every teacher in the unit is holding a different activity in their classroom/outside and each class gets a few spaces in each activity so that children can choose and sign up to a wider choice of organised activities. In our class we are going to try having different tables signing up first each week to try and keep it very fair and so that everyone is being treated equally. If we are some of the last tables to sign up one week, we will be one of the first the following week and so on. This seems to be working better – lots of happy children at the end of Friday. Activities will change every few weeks.

One thought on “Week beginning 18.02.19”

  1. Georgie seems to really enjoy the biology and learning about the body. He was telling me about the oxygen and carbon dioxide and we had a good chat about it.

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