Week beginning 03.12.18

Happy December! We have a very busy last few weeks ahead of us. ..


We have been learning about the ‘Festival of Light.’ We listened to the story of Hanukkah and discussed it altogether. We had to complete a wordsearch and match artefacts to their official names. If we were finished we could design our own menorah.

Christmas Rehearsals

We have been so busy this week with Nativity rehearsals in the gym hall. The Narrators have been using louder, clearer, fantastic voices each day we practise and the choir have been adding in actions to our songs and singing loudly. We can’t wait to perform for you all and hope to see you next week.


The weather has finally dried up a bit which allowed us to get outside and test our parachutes! We used the climbing frame to get off of the ground and we had to drop our parachute and see how straight and how quickly or slowly it fell to the ground. As we predicted, the bigger parachutes did fall slower than the smaller designs.  We also found that the wind affected our results so if we were to test them again we might get slightly different results. We had lots of fun testing our designs, it was definitely worth the wait.


This week we have been continuing with time and looking at o’clock times, half past, and some of us have also been learning quarter to and quarter past the hour. Miss Dow was very impressed that a lot of us already knew that the hour hand should be half way between 2 hours when it is a half past time. We have been telling the time on given clocks, drawing the hands on our own clocks and using digital clocks too. We have been using small clocks to show Miss Dow the time that she asked us.

Special Visitors

We have had some special visitors in class with us this week. Their names are Holly and Jolly and they are elves from Santa’s workshop. We think they came through their own ‘elf door’ which has appeared on our wall. Every morning when we come in, they are up to mischief. So far they have been hanging up their elf washing, hugging the Christmas tree and they even put up the Christmas tree for us! We can’t wait to see what else they get up to in the coming weeks.

They asked us to decorate the tree so we each got to put up a few baubles and decorations.


In gym we have been learning Scottish Country Dances. Some of us were a bit unsure to begin with when we were told we had to hold hands with a partner! But we soon got used to it! We had lots of fun and were very sweaty by the end of it! Our best dance so far is the Canadian Barn Dance.

Let’s Create! (Topic)

This week we have been using our design plans (completed last week) to stick our lollipop sticks together, paint them and then finally decorate them ready for hanging.


We have started and completed the first few steps of a piece of Winter art. First we had to choose a colour to paint our Winter background. Secondly, we had to paint snow on the ground of our picture. We have also been drawing and colouring the  Winter trees before we finish it off with more snow and lots of glitter! We have had to use a lot of different materials for this piece of art and think about size, position, texture and layering.

One thought on “Week beginning 03.12.18”

  1. Good to see the children learning about different types of festivals which are celebrated.
    Also …. it was good to see the weather was clement enough to test the parachutes….. we did our own experiment at home with Conor’s !
    We are excited to see what Holly & Jolly get up to! They are very mischievous and wonder if they are related to Closey the elf who looks just like them.
    We are looking forward to the nativity and have been practicing our songs and lines….Liam and I are clearly the singers in the hoose!,

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