First few days of Primary 3

Golden Rules

We looked at the Golden Rules to remind us of how we should behave in school. Each table got a different rule to think about and we had to write down examples that we might see in class which follow the rule.





For our first writing lesson we were thinking about lots of different characters. Each table were given a different character and had to write down as many adjectives as we could think of to describe the person. We then got to choose one of the  characters to write a description. We did really well and some of us even managed to include a simile!




We did a bit of revision of French colours. We used flash cards and had to say which colour Miss Dow was showing us. We then had to colour in a paint palette with the correct colours. We have been finding  colours around the classroom and saying the correct French word for them and even saying colours when we do the register.

Circle Time

In Circle Time we have been thinking about what makes us special and unique. We had to tell the circle things that we are good at and what makes us different to other boys and girls. When we went back to class we had to create a hand and on each finger we wrote a quality or strength that makes us unique.

Welcome to P3D!

Welcome back to Primary 3! I hope you all had a lovely, relaxing summer and are looking forward to what Primary 3 has in store for us all.

This blog is to keep you all updated with what we are getting up to in class and what we have been learning. Please feel free to leave comments about our wonderful work!

This is the timetable for some of our activities for Term 1. This will let you see when children will possibly be out of the classroom and when they may require additional resources.

Monday – Assembly, Reading day, ICT, homework due

Tuesday – Reading day, Circle Time

Wednesday – Gym with Miss Macrae, homework handed out

Thursday – Gym with Miss Macrae, Health and Wellbeing with Mrs Cox

Friday – Reading day, Library, Golden Time


A big well done to everyone who has already brought in the following items as part of week 1 homework. If you haven’t, please bring in these items as soon as possible:

  • named gym kit and indoor shoes
  • box of tissues
  • named art smock/apron (a parent’s old t-shirt would also suffice)
  • named wet weather activity