World Book Day Fun

We have had so much fun taking part in fun activities to celebrate the books and stories of the world. The activities were: creating bookmarks, tracing a character from a story, reading and using interactive story apps, listening to the book ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ which inspired the staff team costume theme!!! And of course we had puppet making, a parade to show off our awesome creations, winners being chosen for Extreme Reading and Best Costume for every class!!!! We have had a super day!!! We also got a lot of our class novel ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. Here are some photos:

CLIC Targets wb 04.03.2019

C– Counting: CORE Numbers (Step 6) : I can understand 1dp numbers. (Order the numbers by their whole numbers; then if they have the same whole number, order by the tenths digit.)

 L– Learn Its: Step 5: Adding on 2 so 4+2, 5+2, 6+2, 7+2, 9+2

(revising number bonds to 10, x5,x10 tables, 2+3, 2+1)


I– It’s Nothing New: Where’s Mully (Step 1): I can find Mully using my tables.

“He’s hiding behind the biggest multiple of ___without going past___, where’s Mully?”

Example: “He’s hiding behind the biggest multiple of 5 without going past 23, where’s Mully? Answer= 20

 C– Calculations: Column Methods: Addition (Steps 2-4) I can solve any 2d + 2d (including what to do when units spill over into tens!)

Homework wb 04.03.2019

Literacy Homework

Children need to learn their spellings. There will continue to be a spelling test on a Friday however they all know that they can decide how they would like to learn these words. We have used many different activities in class and for homework over the last two terms, so children should be familiar with activities to use. If they are unsure, they can choose from this list:

  • Blue Vowels
  • Vowel Circle
  • Rainbow Write
  • Elkonin Boxes
  • Diacritical Marking

Or look back on previous homework posts, ask in class or use

this website for additional ideas:

Upcoming Competitions:

  • Begin thinking of your story for Explore Learning writing competition.
  • Begin thinking of your news story for the P&J nespaper front cover competition

Topic Homework

  • Think about and take part in as many Random Acts of Kindness at home with your family and friends. Record any acts you carry out in your Homework jotter/ take photos of them happening / send a message on Class Dojo.