C– Counting: Squiggleworth (Step 4) : I can partition a 2dp number
L– Learn Its: Step 7: x10 tables- full and 9+3=, 8+3=, 9+4=, 8+4=, 7+4=
(Revisingdoubles to 20, ‘adding on 2 so 4+2, 5+2, 6+2, 7+2, 9+2’, ‘number bonds to 10’, ‘x5’, ‘x10’ tables, ‘2+3’, ‘2+1’)
I– It’s Nothing New: Jigsaw Numbers (Step 4): I can find the missing piece to 1000
C– Calculations: Column Methods: Addition (Steps 7) I can solve any 4d+2d or 3d.