Homework wb 18.02.2019

Literacy Homework

Children need to learn their spellings. There will continue to be a spelling test on a Friday however they all know that they can decide how they would like to learn these words. We have used many different activities in class and for homework over the last two terms, so children should be familiar with activities to use. If they are unsure, they can choose from this list:

  • Blue Vowels
  • Vowel Circle
  • Rainbow Write
  • Elkonin Boxes
  • Diacritical Marking

Or look back on previous homework posts, ask in class or use this website for additional ideas:


Topic Homework

Using the interview template, in preparation for the Flatpack Opera coming to school this Wednesday afternoon, interview somebody about their life, their job and experiences. Ideally interview an older/ elderly person but if this cannot be done, the oldest person you know and can contact.

The interview can be done in person, email, phone, text message once the answers are recorded in some form for Friday 22.02.2019

CLIC Targets wb 18.02.2019

C– Counting: Count Fourways (Step 6) : I can count in 0.5s

 L– Learn Its: Step 3: Revisit x10 tables and doubles to 10 and 2+1=3, 2+3=5 in a click

Counting in 10s game:



I– It’s Nothing New: Dividing by 10 (Step 2): I can divide whole numbers by 10 or 100 giving decimal answers. example: 135 divided by 10= 13.5

 C– Calculations: Division- 2, 3, 4 and 5 Times Tables (Step 19): I can combine 2 or more tables facts to solve division (with remainders)