All posts by Ms Dezall

Pupil of the Week

 This week our congratulations go to Lexie who was chosen as our Star Pupil! Lexie has made a big effort to improve the presentation of her homework. We are so proud of her and hope she keeps up the great work! Way to go Lexie!

Riverside Care Home

The children really enjoyed working alongside residents from Riverside Care Home today to help plant hanging baskets and prepare some flower beds. Our thanks go to the adult volunteers who came along. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Star of the Week

Congratulations to Lacey-Lee for being chosen as our Pupil of the Week. Lacey-Lee won the certificate this week for always trying her very best and for consistently demonstrating a positive attitude. Well done Lacey-Lee! We are very proud of you!

Duthie Park Visit

Primary 3/4 had a wonderful visit to Duthie Park today. Thank you to our parent volunteers for coming along! We worked in two groups, looking at a real beehive and planting bee-friendly seeds. After all our hard work, we managed a visit to the playground.

Pupil of the Week

Our congratulations go to Megan who was chosen to be the star for last week! Megan worked very hard to complete an accurate and beautifully illustrated menu in French. She planned her food/drinks for breakfast, lunch and supper and drew attractive pictures for each meal. Way to go Megan!

Pupil of the Week

Congratulations to India on being our Pupil of the Week! India has been telling time on analogue and digital clocks with super accuracy. She knows how to read time to the quarter hour and it is lovely to see her so confident with her Maths work! Way to go India!