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PM Trip Photos

We had so much fun on our trip last week!  We built a fire with Miss Farmer to toast marshmallows and learnt about fire safety. We went pond dipping with Mrs Amos and caught little froglets. In the woods we built dens, found fairy doors and played with the mud kitchen! We also made boats to float on the stream and we played in the stream whilst trying to build bridges!

Thank you to all our parent helpers!!


AM Trip Photos

We had so much fun on our trip last week!  We built a fire with Miss Farmer to toast marshmallows and learnt about fire safety. We went pond dipping with Mrs Amos and caught little froglets. In the woods we built dens, found fairy doors and played with the mud kitchen! We also made boats to float on the stream and we played in the stream whilst trying to build bridges!

Thank you to all our parent helpers!!

Friday Fun in the Sun

We are enjoying the sun today. We learn lots outside including:

  • assessing risk
  • developing gross motor skills such as running, climbing and balancing
  • developing social skills such as sharing, negotiating and compromising.
  • learning about nature
  • learning to control our bodies to keep ourselves and other people safe

Here are some pictures of the morning nursery from today:

Helpers Needed!

New sign up sheets are available outside Nursery (underneath the Busy Bee Challenge board) for helpers.

We need helpers for our Wee Green Spaces trips to enable us to take the children to the Gramps.

We also really enjoy having parents and carers into Nursery for Stay & Play Tuesdays so that they can share their child’s learning!


Dates for your Diaries

A few dates for your diaries:

Tuesday 1st May (6-7:30pm)  Digital Technologies Curricular Evening 
Find out about some of the tech we use in school to support learning and find out ways you can use digital technology at home to support your child’s learning.

Monday 7th May: Bank Holiday
School Closed

Tuesday 8th May: In-Service Day & Staffing Update
School Closed to pupils
Miss I. McDonald returns from her maternity leave! We are really excited to have her back!

Tuesday 19th June: 3:30-6pm Parent Interviews
Thursday 21st June: 5-7:20pm Parent Interviews 
More info to follow

Thursday 28th June – AM Class Trip (All Day)
Friday 29th June – PM Class Trip  (All Day)
More info to follow

Friday 6th July
Last day of term