All posts by Miss Farmer

Out and About!

Last week we went on our first walk around the school grounds to practise walking in a line and holding our partner’s hand. We also had a look for shapes on our walk and took photos of them! It was pouring with rain but we didn’t care! We are learning to put on our waterproof suits and wellies by ourselves.

Buddy Time!

Room 6 are our designated buddy class this year. They come to play with us on a Friday. Sometimes they come to join in with our games and sometimes they bring fantastic story books to read to us! We are beginning to learn their names and build friendships.

We love having them to come and visit, they are so much fun!

Interactive Learning Diary

We wish to invite all parents to learn about the Interactive Learning Diary system on Tuesday 12th September. We will be hosting a session in the ICT suite at 8:40 and 12:30 if you are able to come along!

The Interactive Learning Diary is used to record and share photos, videos, observations and assessments.

We hope you can make it!