Category Archives: Creativity

‘Best in Show’ – CPD workshop for Primary and Secondary teachers with an interest in Art & Design

A half-day workshop on canine-inspired multi-disciplinary drawing for primary and secondary teachers with an interest in Art and Design.
No drawing skills necessary.
Friday 2nd May 2014
Book Online
Pay by invoice or credit/debit card
Presented by Edinburgh College of Art & Moray House School of Education
see here for full details bestinshowCPD-MAY2014 flyer

Commonwealth Games Resource Pack

Active Schools and the CAST team have joined together in partnership to develop this “Game On Argyll and Bute” pack to support your school to get involved in all the projects and programmes on offer over the course of this academic year leading up to the games. The pack is divided into Scotland wide generic information and Argyll and Bute specific projects and programmes divided into two sections of sport and culture. Continue reading Commonwealth Games Resource Pack