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Category Archives: Creativity
‘Cloth Uncut’ info pack for Commonwealth Games projects.
Below is a link to an info pack for all schools taking part in the CAST ‘Cloth Uncut’ commonwealth games art project.
If you haven’t signed up for the project, please feel free to use the info in the pack for any commonwealth games projects you may be planning anyway.
The ‘Cloth Uncut’ primary visual art project involves pupils working with a lead artist who will work with your pupils to create a piece of cloth which represents Scotland’s welcome to the Commonwealth in 2014. Continue reading ‘Cloth Uncut’ info pack for Commonwealth Games projects.
Film Newsletter from CAST!
Please see our new newsletter with updates on Moving Image Education in Argyll and Bute HERE
Don’t miss the offer of free P5 animation workshops on page 2!!!
Glasgow 2014 Athletes’ Village Art Competition – register your interest now!
Game On Scotland is asking every primary and secondary school in Scotland to get their pupils to design posters to be placed in the rooms of the Athletes’ Village. They guarantee to every individual school that takes part that their chosen artwork will be displayed in the village – your pupils’ work could end up in the bedroom of Usain Bolt, Tom Daley or any of the talented athletes coming to Scotland from all over the world. Pre-register your interest HERE for the competition now. Continue reading Glasgow 2014 Athletes’ Village Art Competition – register your interest now!
Creative interdisciplinary approach to teaching topics.
I recently attended a teachers CPD event run by Children and the Arts focusing on visual arts and storytelling.
The morning hands-on session consisted of a format easily replicable in class for second level which I wanted to share.
We took Greek gods and goddesses as the theme and started by looking at a real painting of a scene depicting Hercules rising through the clouds being greeted by Zeus etc. Continue reading Creative interdisciplinary approach to teaching topics.