This document has been circulated by Education Scotland to promote professional dialogue within schools and to help staff create good learning intentions. Recent feedback from the QAMSO events in Scotland showed that there was still a mismatch between understanding of Learning Intentions and Success Criteria. This document may help!
Education Scotland have also published a document discussing the Significant Aspects of Learning and how to assess progress and achievement in numeracy which may provide a starting point for professional dialogue:
Assessing progress and achievement in numeracy and mathematics
When discussing planning, assessment and moderation within your establishment it is a good idea to use the guidance on achieving a level to help guide and provide a focus for professional dialogue:
Click on the links below to see some planning examples, including holistic assessments that are being used in some of our schools. These examples are designed to encourage professional dialogue around planning within your own establishments. The examples include the key elements within NAR: experiences and outcomes, learning intentions and success criteria, quality learning experiences, assessment, evaluation of learning, feedback and next steps and reporting. There is no expectation that your plans include all of these elements however it is important that professional dialogue takes place around all of them.
third level planning second format
second level planning second format
Here is an example of a second level planner which bundles together four numeracy outcomes and two maths outcomes. It includes the learning intentions, planned learning and teaching, hinge questions and the holistic assessment that would be used with the learners towards the end of the block of learning.
If you have any examples of bundling and holistic assessment that you would be willing to share with us then please email