Electricity resource box available

Electricity Resource Box – Oban, Lorn and the Isles

Planning on doing a block of science focusing on Electricity? OLI Schools now have access to an Electricity resource box, provided by SSERC, containing a variety of resources which can be used when covering the experiences and outcomes at First and Second level. The box contains eight sets of materials required to build a variety of simple circuits, materials for investigating conductors and insulators, laminated resource cards, a circuit pairs/ snap card game, a flystick wand for demonstrating static electricity and resources for an whole class activity designed to model the flow of electrons around an electrical circuit. (See video demonstration).

Copies of all the printed resources can also be downloaded using the links below. There are also some sample lesson plans and ideas for designing games involving circuits.

If you would like to borrow the box or would like further information on using the resources please contact us using the details below.

Gemma, Alison and Jenny.

OLI Science mentor team.


electricity box contents

Contact details:

Alison Ralston, Lochnell Primary   alison.ralston@argyll-bute.gov.uk

Gemma Robertson, Dalmally Primary   gemma.robertson@argyll-bute.gov.uk

Jenny Love, Taynuilt Primary   Jennifer.love@taynuilt.argyll-bute.sch.uk

electricity box contents

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