Monthly Archives: January 2018

Science in Oban and Lorn

Welcome to our brand new science page from the Oban and Lorn science mentor team – Jenny Love, Gemma Robertson and Alison Ralston . This page will be added to regularly with resource and lesson ideas for teaching science in primary school, science news and grant information. Please let us know if there is any resources in particular you would like to see here or if we can help in any way in delivering the science curriculum – email us at , or

We highly recommend reading this document – Working With The Big Ideas in Science Education, published by the Association for Science Education. In science, we can sometimes jump from topic to topic, which results in children seeing science as a series of endless, disconnected facts, seen as a barrier to truly learning science. This document distills down scientific knowledge into ten guiding principles that we can use to explain a diversity of scientific phenomena, essentially lenses by which we can help children make sense of the world – 1working-with-big-ideas-of-science-education-print-version-2-

We have a fabulous resource box available to borrow for teaching the topic of electricity – click the link below for more details.

Space – click the link below for ideas for the teaching of space (with links to health and wellbeing too)

Food Chains and Food Webs (biodiversity) resources and lesson ideas

Teaching about inheritance – click the link below for resources and ideas

Physical and Chemical Changes – experiment ideas and printables for teaching this topic

Forces – practical experiments and investigations ideas

Terrific Scientific – information about the BBC’s fabulous resource for teaching science in primary school

Science field trip ideas – The Ocean Explorer Centre