Monthly Archives: September 2015

Argyll and Bute Headteachers: Focus on Leadership

Leadership development is one of our key service priorities and on the 3rd September Headteacher meeting, we heard from four visiting contributors as well as Cleland Sneddon on the importance of leadership. We also heard some key messages about leadership and encountered many ‘conversation provocations’. This is very much part of an on-going focus on leadership in education in Argyll and Bute.

Below are copies of the slides which made up part of the presentations from Clive Dimmock (Qualities associated with High Performing School Leadership), John Daffurn (The Scottish College for Educational Leadership – Learning for Leadership, Leadership for Learning) and Iain White (Principal at Newlands Junior College).

Clive Dimmock InverarayqualitiesofhighperformanceleadersSept2014[1]

Iain White Leadership Argyll and Bute – 03.09.15

Leadership Slides – John Daffurn