Glowing inspection report praises Kirn Primary School’s ‘high standards’

ESKirn Primary School has received a glowing report from Education Scotland. The head teacher is described as providing ‘inspirational leadership’ and pupils’ behaviour at all stages as ‘impeccable’. HM Inspectors found that ‘There are major strengths in the way that staff across the school support children to develop and learn’ and that ‘Staff show very high-quality care and support to children in the school’. The two principal teachers were also recognised for their strong and effective support to the head teacher.
Lead Councillor for Education at Argyll and Bute Council Richard Trail said
‘I am delighted that Kirn Primary School has received this excellent report. The report recognises the leadership of the head teacher, the hard work of the staff and the pupils’ exemplary behaviour. Everyone involved is to be congratulated on the high standard of teaching and learning at the school and we should all be very proud that Education Scotland will use Kirn Primary School’s innovative work as an example to other schools.’
The report states that in all of the inspection categories the school was rated either excellent or very good, with older children displaying ‘an exceptionally high level of independence in leading their own learning’ and children in the nursery and across the school learning and achieving to a high standard. The inspection team said that Education Scotland would like to work with the council and the school to use it in future as a model of best practice.
Head teacher James Wylie said
‘I am exceptionally pleased that the school has been recognised, nationally, for the high quality of educational experience being provided to our pupils and for the motivated, engaged, reflective, confident and impeccably behaved children that we work with. Our high quality and dedicated staff, both teaching and non-teaching, as well as our parents, partners and community members work tirelessly to ensure that very high standards in all areas of the curriculum are achieved.’
The inspection found that the school had the following key strengths:
• Confident, respectful children who have a clear love of learning and great pride in their school
• Innovative approaches to the organisation of the curriculum to ensure children develop important skills through exciting, deep and coherent learning experiences
• High-quality support for children who require extra help in their learning
• Effective partnerships with parents, volunteers, partners and the local community to enrich and extend children’s learning
• Inspirational and strong leadership of the head teacher which drives forward improvements to ensure all children make very good progress in their learning
The full report can be found at HERE

4 thoughts on “Glowing inspection report praises Kirn Primary School’s ‘high standards’

  1. Congratulations to you all ! This is everything you deserve after all your hard work and commitment to Education over the past many years. Teaching staff, non-teaching staff and all the children. You are an example to us all!

  2. Huge congratulations to everyone at Kirn. James Wylie has always been an inspirational leader and it’s wonderful to see this being recognised nationally.

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