Mini Beast Quest for Minard and Furnace Primaries

Minard and Furnace Primary Schools had a fantastic shared Summer trip out with a Mini beast hunt at Bellanoch on the Crinan Canal. This was at the end of our Nature detectives and Minibeasts topic. Oly and Pete from the Heart of Argyll wildlife Project took the pupils and staff on an amazing quest for wildlife and flowers in the wild grass verges of the canal. It was amazing what we found from spiders to caterpillars and even some unidentified egg-like items. Oly and Pete have promised to let us know what they are.

The weather was great and the midges were elsewhere which was an extra plus. After the hunt we were off to Quarry View, Minard for a delicious meal and then to Crarae Gardens to let off steam and then eat ice Cream- A perfect school trip out Mid Argyll Style!

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