Clachan Primary were delighted to come 20th in the National Sumdog Contest between the 3rd and 9th of Nov 2017. This was a UK-wide contest with 3,099 classes entered and 1,184 classes qualified. In total 27,431 students took part. Clachan children have been working on mental maths agility and building resilience across all learning. Sumdog has helped the children apply these skills in a fun and enjoyable way.
The children said, ‘Sumdog helps me communicate with other people in the world’
‘In my opinion Sumdog has helped me with my confidence. I love playing with my friends and other people round the world’
‘Sumdog makes me not give up because it is fun and it makes maths fun’
‘Sumdog helps with trial and error because if I get something wrong it shows me how to get it right next time’
‘Sumdog helps me be more confident because it gives you hard questions so it makes me try more’
‘Sumdog has helped me by teaching me resilience’
Well-done Clachan Primary School!