Pupil Equity Fund

Pupil Equity Fund Plan 2023-24

The Pupil Equity Fund or PEF as it is more commonly referred to is a Scottish Government run fund where each school is given supplement funding that is to be used for resources to support learning and for any potential barriers to learning supports.  These resources and supports have to specific and evaluated against needs and requirements of the school and its learners’. Click link below to see our spending plan.

For more info. please have a look at the Education Scotland and Clackmannanshire Council websites .



This year at Tillicoultry Primary School,  part of our PEF allocated funding has gone towards our nurture space, ‘The Cosy Cottage’.  There has been a re-developed sensory room and lots of new resources to help support any learners’ who require it.  There is still more to add to this wonderful space in school, more photos to follow as work continues.  This is a much loved space in school by pupils and staff who access it when they need some time, with the fairy lights, neutral tones, cosy environment and the warm welcome of Mrs.Hunter makes this space a lovely place to be!




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