Category Archives: Whole School

P5wm Blog

Primary 5wm have lots to tell you about our first few weeks in Primary 5! We have been busy working with Mrs Wells and Mrs Magee and have settled in to Primary 5 very well.

In Maths, we have been learning about Time. We can tell the time using 12 hour time on an analogue or digital clock. We made posters to show what we already know about Time.

In Numeracy, we have been learning about Place Value. We learned how to put the digits in the correct places to show their value. We can identify the value of a number from looking at its place. We have been improving our mental strategies by taking part in daily Number Talks lessons.

In PE, we have been doing football. We are practising dribbling and shooting. I have enjoyed the shooting practise the best because I love scoring goals. I liked playing the games in PE.

In writing, we have been creating stories about the BFG and learning about how it is important to never judge a book by its cover.

I liked making our Dream Jars. We painted them using water colours and then we let them blend in to create beautiful colours. We then added our goals and dreams for Primary 5.

In French, we have been learning about the days of the week and the months of year.

P4M Blog It! 28.5.21

Hello everyone!

Primary 4 would like to update you with our learning.

MA – We have been learning about multiplying and dividing by 6 and 3.  Then we will look at 9.

SK – I have been enjoying multiplying and dividing by 3 and 6.

JB – I have been enjoying science where we have been learning about dissolving solids in liquids.

ZC – In P.E we have been working on our jumping skills.

BM – In topic we learned how long and how many people it took to build The Titanic.

EF – I have been enjoying our topic because we have been making models of the cabins .

AC – I have been enjoying learning about solubility.

MW – I have been enjoying P.E because we have been playing games of bench ball and making sure we pass 3 times before we try to score.

TG – I have been enjoying writing explanations, such as how a steam boat works.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss M and P4M