Category Archives: News

P4ps Blog Update 21.2.22

We have been very busy learning in all of our curricular areas over the past few weeks. Here are some of our favourite bits so far.

We have been very engaged with the different number games and play based activities which will help us with our times tables. We are also learning how this can help us with division strategies too! Making our own games for multiplication and division was very fun.

In our topic lessons we are learning about Robert the Bruce and William Wallace. They were key figures in Scotland’s history and we are learning why this is. We recently discussed the Stone of Destiny and why it was important in Scotland!

We are currently learning about clothes in French and learning phrases related to this. We were challenged to make our very own clothing catalogue and label all the clothes and sizes available in French! We all did very well and tried our best.

We hope you all enjoy reading about what we have been learning 🙂


P7h Blog – 4.2.22

Here is a little sneak peek of what we have been learning in P7h.

We have been learning lots of different ways to multiply numbers. A is a big fan of the column method!

We have also been learning the grid method. Sometimes it’s a bit tricky adding up all the numbers but if you’re careful with your layout then it’s easier – S

We also planned numeracy lessons for P4 and P5. It was really fun to plan the lessons for another class. We included a number talk and we made a sway to teach P5 how to use the bus stop method to divide – A

We’ve been taking part in an Armadale Academy transition numeracy task every week on Teams. We’ve been learning algebra and the Chinese method for multiplying. I’m getting really confident at it – A

We’ve been doing gymnastics in PE. We have been learning different techniques for rolling. – A

It was really cool getting the wall bars out for gymnastics – A

I’m getting better at my forward roll – L

Our topic is ‘Frozen’. Recently we have been learning all about glaciers which are humongous sheets of ice – A

Glaciers form in corries on mountains – J

The weight of the glaciers cause them to move down mountains, picking up rocks and other debris as they go – A

Glaciers turn V-shaped valleys into U-shaped valleys. You can still see evidence of glaciers in the land today – N



We are continuing to enjoy our Transition project with Armadale Academy every week.  In class we continue to practise strategies to consolidate our multiplication skills such as the grid method, the column method and the lattice method.  We also continue to practise our times tables daily as our challenge is to know these forwards and backwards by Easter!  We have begun a block of algebra where we are learning various strategies to simplify algebraic equations.  Some P7 children have been leading their own learning in Numeracy by developing multiplication lessons for other stages.  They then delivered these lessons to the younger children during outdoor learning which was a great success!


In literacy we are focusing on features of non-fiction.  We dissected various pieces of non-fiction texts including newspaper reports, persuasive, discussion and recounts, to compare language features, purpose and subject.

During our Scots focus fortnight, we each recited a Scots poem, wrote our own Scots poems and translated text into Scots.  We also created our own comic strips based on ‘The Broons’ family!  Well done to N and F who were our P7m finalists and took 1st and 2nd in the poetry recital competition!


We have been learning about glaciers and different ice ages within our IDL.  We have produced fact files on the various megafauna and created beautiful frozen landscapes using tissue paper and oil pastels.  We are looking forward to our STEM experiments next week for glacial erosion and movement.

Other areas

P.E – We recently completed our Heptathlon challenge in P.E, which gave us an opportunity to participate in some field and track events such as standing triple jump, shot putt and hurdles.  We continue to do a mixture of indoor and outdoor P.E,  and we have started a new block of gymnastics and handball.

We have enjoyed:

L – I have really enjoyed learning about algebra and the grid method.

T – I find our new topic is really good, I especially like learning about glaciers.

K – I’ve enjoyed our new topic ‘Frozen’.

C – I have enjoyed doing the column method in numeracy.

O – I’ve enjoyed learning about glaciers.

E – I’ve enjoyed doing gymnastics, especially backwards rolls and stag jumps.

Z – I really enjoyed our Heptathlon challenge!