Category Archives: News

P5m Learn it! Log it! Blog it! Dynamic Earth

P5m’s Dynamic Earth Visit


P5m have so much to share about our recent visit to Dynamic Earth at Holyrood in Edinburgh. We began in the the Stratosphere dome and watched a short clip which showed the Earth’s creation over billions of years. Next we explored different stations which looked at different rocks, earthquake simulations, ICT natural disaster games and created our our mini tornadoes using water bottles.  We then explored many of the many rooms that Dynamic Earth had to offer such as the Rainforest, the polar regions as well as the volcano room.


We would definitely recommend a visit to Dynamic Earth as we felt it brought to life many of the world’s natural disasters and allowed us an insight into how they happen. Take a look at some of our learning…

Some comments included…

“I enjoyed the room where the ground shook because I thought it was a real simulation” Jayden

“I enjoyed the part where the movie showed us the creation of Earth” Charlie

“I enjoyed the 3D movie about all the different animals, especially when the scorpion tried to sting us!” Kaylee

“The rainforest was good, especially seeing the mock chimpanzee” Emily                                                                    


P6bw Blog

We have been reflecting on our time in P6 and thinking about moving to P7. Here are some of our thoughts:

In P6:
I enjoyed cooking. We made stir-fry with vegetables and it was very yummy. EY
I liked doing research for the space topic and using my information to make a poster. NH
I enjoyed doing data handling in Maths. I liked interpreting the information displayed. LF
I have enjoyed the topics. I found them interesting and enjoyed putting my information on posters. JL
I enjoyed going to the Science Centre because it was all interactive. You could time yourself on a running track. JT
I liked making the big planets for our Space topic because we got to choose the planets. RM
I have enjoyed Free Writing because I like writing stories. MH
I enjoyed going to New Lanark because it was cool to find out what school was like in 1825. DM
I liked the I-max building because it was shaped like a potato. ZG
I enjoyed the topic about World War 2 because I was interested in it and enjoyed researching about it. OB
I liked going on both trips. They were fun. RM

In P7:
I am looking forward to getting a new teacher and moving to a new classroom. JS
I am looking forward to going to Lendrick Muir because I think it will be fun. LAH
I am also looking forward to Lendrick Muir because we get to do all the activities. TW
I am looking forward to doing activities with my new teacher. DB
I am looking forward to getting to know my new teacher. AR
I am looking forward to the extra responsibilities in P7. OZ
I am looking forward to buddy time. RE
I am looking forward to transition this week and excited to go to P7. HA
I am looking forward to P7 and seeing who our new teacher is. JW
I am looking forward to seeing what our new classroom looks like and meeting our new teacher. OK
I am looking forward to spending time with our buddies. AM

We hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday.

P6bw Blog

We are having a very busy time in P6bw and we have had two very exciting trips recently.

We went to New Lanark where we learnt about Victorian life.
It was really fun and interesting.  DM
It was the place where they made Harry Potter Christmas jumpers and they had one of the widest waterfalls in Scotland.  JS
They produce fabrics for Chanel.  LF
We also got to learn about how school would have been in 1825.  IS

A week later, we went to the Glasgow Science Centre where there were lots of interactive and fun displays.
In the Glasgow Science Centre there was a film and we needed 3D glasses. It was about Space.  RE
The film was called “Our Beautiful Planet”. There was also a really tilted room and you had to hold on to anything or else you would fall. I felt dizzy when I got out. It was called The Wacky Hair Salon.  DM
The centre had lungs that had smoked and lungs that hadn’t smoked. You could inflate them and see the difference. The ones that had smoked only inflated a little bit. There was a weird mirror where you could see yourself but when you stuck something in the hole, you could not see that thing. JT
There was also a tube where you had to push things through and it was like your digestive system. HA
There was a machine where you could put a pound and a penny in and it would flatten and change the picture on the penny. It was really cool.  RE