P6bw Blog

We have been reflecting on our time in P6 and thinking about moving to P7. Here are some of our thoughts:

In P6:
I enjoyed cooking. We made stir-fry with vegetables and it was very yummy. EY
I liked doing research for the space topic and using my information to make a poster. NH
I enjoyed doing data handling in Maths. I liked interpreting the information displayed. LF
I have enjoyed the topics. I found them interesting and enjoyed putting my information on posters. JL
I enjoyed going to the Science Centre because it was all interactive. You could time yourself on a running track. JT
I liked making the big planets for our Space topic because we got to choose the planets. RM
I have enjoyed Free Writing because I like writing stories. MH
I enjoyed going to New Lanark because it was cool to find out what school was like in 1825. DM
I liked the I-max building because it was shaped like a potato. ZG
I enjoyed the topic about World War 2 because I was interested in it and enjoyed researching about it. OB
I liked going on both trips. They were fun. RM

In P7:
I am looking forward to getting a new teacher and moving to a new classroom. JS
I am looking forward to going to Lendrick Muir because I think it will be fun. LAH
I am also looking forward to Lendrick Muir because we get to do all the activities. TW
I am looking forward to doing activities with my new teacher. DB
I am looking forward to getting to know my new teacher. AR
I am looking forward to the extra responsibilities in P7. OZ
I am looking forward to buddy time. RE
I am looking forward to transition this week and excited to go to P7. HA
I am looking forward to P7 and seeing who our new teacher is. JW
I am looking forward to seeing what our new classroom looks like and meeting our new teacher. OK
I am looking forward to spending time with our buddies. AM

We hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday.