Numeracy & Maths
We have been practising our times tables every day with our Mad Maths Minutes! In numeracy we are learning different methods of multiplication such as the grid method, the lattice method, partitioning and the Japanese method. Our knowledge and understanding of these methods will help us decide which is the most efficient when solving multiplication problems! We also entered a STEAM competition from ASSET to design and create a paper aeroplane which could travel a long distance. The winner in our class made it to 9ft! In maths we are learning about data handling by creating our own databases.
In literacy we wrote persuasive application letters, an autobiographical account of a journey and we are entering the West Lothian Bathgate Hills writing competition! We used our listening and talking skills to present to the class, either for a leadership position or on a subject of our own choice. We are all a bunch of confident and clear speakers!
Other areas
During indoor P.E we are nearing the end of our block of gymnastics. We have learned how to do specific and technical jumps and rolls and we are going to be creating our own sequence of gymnastics movements to perform to the class. Our outdoor P.E block has involved our very own P7 boot camp and lots of teamwork games and activities.
We have enjoyed learning about the Scottish Parliament. We have created factfiles, SWAYs and posters to demonstrate our understanding of the history of Scottish Politics, the 6 main political parties and their manifestos and the roles and responsibilities of an MSP. We are looking forward to building a 3D model of the Scottish Parliament building next week!
We completed the portraits of the staff at Windyknowe! Next time you are in school, take a look on the wall at the office and see if you can guess who is who!
We have enjoyed:
T – I liked going to the woods to do a phonics hunt with our buddies.
O – I loved when we went to the Muga and made our own stations for PE!
O – I have enjoyed learning about different genres in writing.
R – I liked our Mad Maths!