Author Archives: Miss Craig

P2 Home Learning Day 6- Monday 30th of March

Good Morning,

Thank you for all your messages about last week’s activities.  Today is Monday so we have a new spelling pattern for you.  For a reminder, or anyone who missed the reading of the book

Sir Cumference and the Fracton Faire.   You can find this read on youtube.  Also is the PE for this week.

Good Luck with today’s missions.

Home learning grid P2 Numeracy Monday 30th of March

Home Learning Grid P2 Literacy Monday 30th of March

P2 PE – Week Beg 30 March

Home learning grid p2 Other Curricular Areas week 2 30th March

Primary 2 Home Learning Day 3- Wednesday 25th

Good Morning,

It is Wednesday and it is story writing day!  Flex those fingers (maybe you can remember some finger exercises or play with some playdough or lego first!?), sharpen your pencils and turn on your creative brain. Your task is to write a story about a party with a problem and we are also looking for nouns.  See the full lesson in document…. I can hear the cogs going already.  If possible get someone in your family to post a wee bit about what happened in your story in the comments.

Good Luck with your missions today!Home learning grid p2 Literacy Wednesday 25_3

Home learning grid p2 Numeracy Wednesday