Author Archives: Mrs Messenger

P7m 03/09/21

For the first blog of the new term, P7m would like to share their learning around the Scottish Parliament:

“I have enjoyed creating our timelines to show the history and the creation of our Scottish Parliament”.

“It was interesting to find out about the 6 main political parties, what they stand for and why”.

” I liked doing the pencil drawings of the Scottish Parliament building and then adding some graffiti writing”.

This topic has linked in with our persuasive writing and our applications for a pupil leadership role.  These roles have been voted for by both the children and the staff.  We are looking forward to sharing our news with you at home about our new Pupil Leadership Team for 2021-22!

P1m – 5th October 2020

We love learning in P1m!  We had a chat about why we like coming to school and what we like to do best!  Here are some of our comments:

I like playing with my friends

I like learning numbers and how to count

I love going to the forest for our outdoor learning

I like coming to school and learning my sounds

I like using the building blocks

I like playing with my friends and learning numbers

I love outdoor learning and playing with my friends

I like learning sounds and drawing stories

I like playing with Lego and my friends

I like playing outside and learning my numbers to 20

I like learning French colours

Primary 1 26.06.20

Good morning everyone!  This is our last Primary 1 post of the current year!  It was so lovely to see most of you yesterday, it was the best day of lockdown for your teachers!

This has been such a challenging time and we thank you children, parents, carers for persevering with home learning – we know it has not been easy but we appreciate your support and commitment with your child’s learning at home!

We hope that you have a relaxing and restful summer holiday and we look forward to welcoming you back to school in August!

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Hendrie, Miss Johnstone, Mrs Messenger & Mrs Cook