Author Archives: G Norquoy

Primary 4s Blog

Last Monday we went our school trip to Helix Park. We had a picnic lunch and some of us saw swans. We got time to go to the park and we ate our snack there before we started to play football. We got ice cream at the end of the day and it was amazing.

On Thursday as a special lunchtime we got to go to Windyknowe Park. While we were there some people were playing on the field at football and some were playing in the park.

Transition took place on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Our new teacher is going to be Mrs George and we will also get Ms Brody on a Wednesday. For transition we made our class charter and we made it to look like electronics to show we are in charge of our life and our decisions. We also made book marks and talked about our spinning reward wheel. The rewards will be for the winning table.  It might be things like lunch with Mrs George or break with Mrs George when you get hot chocolate. If you don’t want to pick from the wheel you get to choose from the mystery box. During transition we also had to complete maths questions and the answers gave us colours to use to complete the picture.

In transition we did got to do some activities outdoors. There was football and tennis.

Transition went well and we are looking forward to Primary 5.

Day 4 at Lendrick Muir

Today the purple and yellow groups did the King Swing. When it was your shot you got harnessed to a bar and you then got pulled up by your team. On the first shot you were pulled to half way and then the second time you could go all the way. To release the swing, you had to pull the string behind you. It could be quite scary going the full way down. During the King Swing today one of us managed to scare Miss Brown when we didn’t release it straight away. She screamed the whole way down. Thankfully she can laugh about it now.

The orange group went on the bikes today and they were doing an obstacle course on the bike before they went into the woods. They enjoyed being on the trail bikes.

During mini survival the groups had to build a mini hut for their person and they had to see if it would stay up with the wind and the rain. They also had to make up a story about the little person and why they needed a shelter in the forest. While they were in the forest they got to try some wood sorrel. It tasted like sour apples at first and then like lemon at the end.

All the groups got to go to the inflatables today. There were two different inflatables. There was the Bungee Run were you had to run as far as you could before it pulled you back and the other one was called Wrecking Ball. We all had our podiums to stand on and we had to try and knock one another off with the wrecking ball. The majority of us preferred the bungee run.

Everyone got to do archery tag today. In archery tag you get a bow and arrows with foam tips. For the challenge you had to try and hit at targets. It was fun because you had to aim at things but it was a bit sore if it hit you.

The yellow group got to go to the bungee trampolines today. Two of us nearly managed to do a double somersault. The trampolines were really fun because with baby steps we managed to go higher and higher.

The last group got to do nightline today. For this they had to wear blindfolds and follow directions. Once they had practised following the voice they then had to hold a rope and follow the instructor into the woods. When they got there they then had to navigate through an obstacle course. There were tyres, netting and ropes as well as tunnels that they had to get through. It was pretty good as well because it was fun doing things with the blindfold on.

For dinner tonight we could have either sweet and sour chicken, chilli or vegetable chilli and then we got sticky toffee. The sticky toffee pudding was the best bit.

We are now heading out to play games on the MUGA pitch before we finish off watching Moana. Good night from Lenrick Muir and we will see you all tomorrow.

Day 3 at Lendrick Muir

We had a breakfast of cereal and toast again today, before some of the groups went out to do geo-caching. We had to navigate to where tokens were hidden and different tokens scored different points, the aim of the challenge was that we had to get as many points as we could. To find the tokens we used an app which gave us directions. Geo-caching was quite tricky as we had to go through bushes to find some of them.

Some of the other groups got to go to the Pizza Box today and were given lots of challenges to do at it. They had to try and hang upside down, fit four people on the pizza box and they had to hold arms and lean back. They also did last man standing.

We all got to go to the adventure playground today. When we first got there we got to play in it and get used to it we then got challenge games. For one of the challenges we played camouflage and then we had to work in teams to try and get a full cup of water all the way across the course. If you were the person holding the cup you weren’t allowed to move so we had to communicate well to work out what to do.

The orange group did the bungee trampolines today. They had to try and jump as high as they could, but they could also jump forward, backward and sideways. After the trampolines they played Octo-Ball and completed more challenges.

The yellow group took part in the trail biking, they enjoyed it but found it difficult at some points as they had to ride through the forest and go over the roots of the trees. They then took part in the mini survival and they had to make a person and create a shelter for them that was waterproof. Water was then poured over it to see if the person survived and they created a story about how they ended up in the forest. The yellow group then completed the nightline and completed challenges blindfolded with a partner, this was really fun and hard as you had to trust your partner.

The lime green group got to do the King Swing today and had a great time.

Lunch today was wraps with fillings of our choice, we also had crisps, fruit and biscuits. Dinner was sausages and gravy, barbecued chicken or chickpea stew. We then had oreo cheesecake for desert. It was yummy!

Tonight’s adventure was bowling in Dunfermline. We got to have slushie’s while we were there. We had some really high scores and the highest was 104! Bowling was really good fun.