Author Archives: G Norquoy

Day 2 at Lendrick Muir

First thing this morning we had breakfast which was cereal and toast. We then had to get into our groups for morning activities. The lime green group went to bungee trampolines and then Octo-Ball. For Octo-Ball you were not allowed to kick the ball you could only slap it. The aim of the game was last man standing. To get people out you had to make the ball hit them below the knee. If the ball went out of the octagon the last person to touch it was out. Octo-ball was really fun because it was like a competition. It was a really challenging sport.

The red, orange, yellow and light blue groups went on a nature walk this morning.  The groups learnt that there are two different types of trees – deciduous and evergreen. We also looked for signs of red squirrels. We learned about different plants, moss and lichen. We did a scavenger hunt and during that we found a newt (an amphibious lizard), some plants and a bird’s egg.

In the afternoon the red and orange groups went to the King Swing. When we were on the swing and we were at the point we wanted to go to, we had to pull the cord to release the swing. Most of us managed to go to the top of the King Swing. We really enjoyed the King Swing and some of us even went on more than once.

Another activity that the yellow group and the purple group did today was the Pizza Box Challenge. We had to wear a harness and climb to the top of the tower. The top of the tower was a square the size of a pizza box that we had to stand on. If you reached the top more people got to come up and we were then able to join up and lean back. We were allowed to have up to 4 people at the top. The Pizza Box challenge was fun but a bit wobbly at the top.

The yellow, red, orange and light blue group all went to the nightline but we don’t want to tell you too much about that and spoil the surprise for everyone else tomorrow.

Dinner tonight was a choice of macaroni, pepperoni pizza or vegetable pasta. There was then a chocolate puddle cake for dessert.

Tonight’s activity was the Murder Mystery. Eight of us got to play the part of the suspects – butler, daughter, son, maid, cook, lady, gardener and grandad. In groups we had to go round questioning the suspects and we then had to choose as a group who we thought the murderer was.  The suspects were then allowed to give us their plea as a final chance to convince us it wasn’t them. We then chose who we thought it was before the murderer was revealed. The suspects acting skills were very good and they were very convincing. So convincing that no one guessed who the murderer was.

We are now going to have supper and then it’s time for showers, before we continue our movie. Good night from everyone at Lendrick Muir and we will be back tomorrow to tell you about day 3.

Lendrick Muir Day 1

When we arrived today the team took us for a tour of the campsite and then we did a quiz all about the campsite and the things here. We then got to have lunch, which was very tasty. We got a choice of tuna, ham, cheese or egg mayo as well as salad. After lunch we did team challenges and got to launch rockets.

For the team challenges we did the Forbidden Tree, where we had to use two ropes to rescue a duck from a tree. The duck had to be carried back. Only one group managed to do it successfully. Another challenge was the Golf Ball Run. We had to get the golf ball from one cone to the other one using pieces of guttering. Most teams were successful at this one. Another challenge saw us trying to balance the basketball along some ropes. We were only allowed to use sticks to balance the rope. This challenge was really tricky.

We had to do well at the challenges to get points for the rocket launch. We could get the points for good team work, completing the challenge, communicating well, co-operating, companionship, leadership, showing stamina and perseverance. The team with the most points at the end got an advantage at the next challenge. They got to go a few steps ahead of everyone else for launching the rocket and they got to pick their bottle first for the launch. The winning team were the red team.

After team challenges we got to find out where our rooms were and we had the challenge of making our bed. 50% of us are master bed makers. The other 50% may need some encouragement and practise.

After we got our bedrooms ready we had dinner. There was a choice of sausage rolls, chicken goujons or falafel burgers. They were served with chips, salad or beans. Desert was ice-cream.

After dinner we had our camp fire. We sang songs, told riddles and jokes, played Simon Says and then had marshmallows. They were good, although most of us burnt them on the campfire.

We got to settle down to watch our movie before bed. We will back tomorrow night to tell you all about day 2. Good night from Lendrick Muir.

ELC Blog – January 2023

The children have been very busy leading their learning in the ELC. They explored puddles by creating their own fishing game as well as their own rods by using sticks.  This has led to lots of discussion and sharing of information about fish and where they live. Through a small group V shared his knowledge of divers as he spoke about them feeding the sharks. Mrs Keast provided real scuba diving equipment for the children to explore. E said “They wear flippers (finns) and big suits (dry suit), goggles and a snorkel.”  The children have enjoyed participating in the rhyme `five little fish` to go along with our learning.

The children became very excited when the ice and snow came in the nursery garden. While exploring the ice, G said “It’s solid and cold, the ice was very thick.” Some of the children used the ice to create patterns in the snow along with comparing the patterns from their welly footprints. They also discovered various ways to melt the ice, C said “Break it up using a paint brush.” G said “The ice melts from hot water or salt.” We will continue to explore the changes in the weather while outside.

During our outdoor learning the children have now moved on to making tea and coffee. The children used real tea bags and a spot of milk to create a lovely cup of tea and coffee. While doing this we have been exploring the language of measure full, empty, big, medium or tiny as children collaborated together to make the perfect tea/ coffee in the mud kitchen. We will continue to explore the language of measure in nursery, and if you could help your child explore this at home too. Who is the tallest in your family?