Author Archives: Mrs Smillie


We have started our Mock Court topic and we have all been allocated out specific roles. Our lawyers on the pursuing side have completed an initial writ. This week, our defence team were completing a response to these initial writs. Two lawyers came in to help us.

We learned how to make pancakes. We followed instructions, made our pancakes and got to eat them. They were tasty.

In numeracy we have been learning long division. We have also been working on fractions and percentages and were working amounts of appreciation and depreciation of certain items.

In PE we have been working on our hockey skills, such as dribbling and passing and we have been playing team games. We were learning how to play dodge ball with Mrs Howard. It was good fun.

We made some chocolate muffins during our Skills Academy lesson with Miss Melrose. They were delicious.

We enjoyed taking part in a STEM lesson with Mrs Smillie for another Skills Academy session, where we were making parachutes for mini figurines. We used a variety of skills to complete this task such as – teamwork, communication, resilience and cooperation. To be successful our parachutes had to match our designs and have a soft and slow landing.