Author Archives: wlelinor.morland@glow

October P2M

Welcome back to Term 2!


Primary 2 are excited to get started with some brand new topics across learning this term.

In phonics we have been learning the ue and the ew sound.

We have been learning about different ways to use money and have had great fun using different coins and pound notes in the classroom.

We have been learning about homelessness for the end of our houses and homes topic. We have been thinking about what homeless people would want and need and how we can help them. During our topic afternoon we worked in teams to make shelters outside in the woods.

We are excited to start our new topic, and we have thought of lots of different experiments we would like to try.

From the boys and girls of Primary 2M 🙂

P2M September Update

We have been learning how to round numbers to the nearest 100 and 10.  We have been learning to round numbers by using a rhyme:

Four or less let it rest

Five or more let it soar.

We have also been practicing how to count forwards and backwards to 100.


We have been learning about the real story of the 3 little pigs. Turns out the wolf is actually nice and the little pigs are mean to him because they didn’t give him sugar to make his Granny’s birthday cake.

We have been learning about the ‘ee’ sound. There are two different ways to make the sound: ‘ee’ and ‘ea’.


We are still learning about house and homes as our topic. We have been on a class walk to look at different house and homes. We saw lots of different things:

‘My dog’- Rosie

‘I saw a house with a for sale sign.’- Jamie

‘Jack asked the post lady some questions.’- Logan

‘I saw some semi-detached houses.’- Maisie

‘We saw a bungalow.’- Cody


We are looking forward to learning new things in our maths and topic. We are looking forward to learning some new sounds as well.


From the boys and girls of Primary 2M 🙂

First Blog Back: P2M

P2M have had a very busy few weeks back! We have all managed to settle in well and are having great fun getting to know each other.

We have been learning, and revising, lots of different sounds such as ph, wh, th, ng. We have been working on our place value in numeracy and have been learning about different shapes, with Miss Hendrie, during maths time.

We have started to explore our topic, House and Homes, and are looking forward to finding out more. We have had some interesting questions which we will hopefully be able to answer during this term:

“Why do people have numbers on their doors?”- Paige

“Why do some people live outside?” – Maisie

“Why do people live in igloos?”- Adam

“How do you make a house out of sand?”- Luke


Lots of love, P2M.