Author Archives: wlelinor.morland@glow

P2 Home Learning Day 5- Friday 27th of March

Morning all!

We have uploaded some shorted tasks as it is Friday and fits in with our ‘usual’ half day.

Mr Kerr has also set a friendly competition on SumDog for the whole school to take part in, so get yourself logged on and lets show everyone how amazing P2 are!

Miss Craig and I have loved reading all of the comments about how you are all getting on because we are missing you all. We would love to keep the comments coming, but can we please ask that if you are commenting only use your/ your child’s initial, for protection reasons.

Please find the activities, for today, attached below.  Have lovely weekend 🙂

Home learning grid P2 Literacy Friday 27th of March

Home Learning Grid P2 Numeracy Friday 27th March

P2 Home Learning Day 4- Thursday 26th of March

Good Morning Everyone!

Miss Craig and I enjoyed reading about the stories that you had written, from the people who had left comments. We have also been checking Study Ladder and Sumdog and have been impressed with how many of you are managing to log on and take part!

Remember today would be one of our PE days, so it might be a good idea to choose an activity from the PE grid which we uploaded on Monday or get outside for some exercise and fresh air.

Home learning grid p2 Literacy Thursday 26th

Home learning grid P2 Numeracy Thursday 26th of March

Enjoy your day and let us what you have been getting up to by leaving a reply in the comments!

P2M Update!

We have been learning about the magic ‘e’ sound! We have learned ‘i_e’ ‘a_e’ and ‘o_e’. We have been learning to write rhyming poems and explanations about the human body.

We have been practicing to count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s. We have been learning about multiplication and division. We have been learning to tell the time on a clock, during Maths with Miss Hendrie.

We are still working on our Human Body topic. We have been learning and testing our five sense; hearing, smell, taste, touch and sight.

We have been getting ready for our school show! We have been practicing all our songs and some dance moves.We have also been working hard to make our own costumes.  We hope to see you there!

Love the boys and girls of P2M 🙂