Author Archives: Mrs Hastings

Primary 7P                           -06.09.19

Pupils of Primary 7P (and Mrs Patterson) have had a very busy and hard-working start to our year. Our term began learning all about Democracy and how it works. We then went on to hold our own democratic elections to select our Pupil Leadership team and House Captains. We learned about how to write a persuasive and emotive election speech and about how campaigns are run to persuade the electorate. There were lots of creative ideas used! Mr Swift made us great polling booths so our elections were as realistic as possible.

We also produced some fabulous art work, using pencil, water-colour and oil pastels to show how hands are used to convey lots of messages like peace, love, victory, strength and Democracy. We were proud of our finished art and surprised ourselves at how well they turned out. See what you think below.

Our Assembly was also to-day and we worked extremely hard writing our script to highlight how we can all make a difference to our world with inspirational stories and quotes in there to inspire us all to be the best we can be.

Can we make a difference?         Yes we can!


Lewis    We learned about democracy and how voting works and Mr swift set up a real polling station for house captain and leader ship vote. I am happy because I got picked for house captain.



Our first Blog

Hello this our first P7 blog.

It has been very fun having Mrs Hastings again she just is the best teacher EVER and I have been given the opportunity of House Captain – Josh

In P7 we have been doing our assembly first for the school year. We wrote our own scripts. – Jack B

We done a House Captain and Pupil Leader election where we had a polling station where we signed in our real name. It was like real life thanks to Mr Swift and I also got the opportunity to be a House Captain. – Jack C

I wanted to be a prefect and was happy to be chosen. Jay

In P7 we have been talking about Politics and it is our new topic. We were talking about Brexit and what we thought. – Brooke

I have liked the assembly work that we did. I liked learning the song. – Amy

I have enjoyed being in the assembly and I really liked having Mrs Hastings as my teacher. – Jessica

I am proud to be Birniehill’s House Captain this year. – Abbie

P7 has been very fun and last night we went to the Armadale Academy meeting to learn about the High School. – John

We learned how to be good buddies and still need to keep learning to be super buddies! – Nimi

P7 has been really good because it is very different from P6 because you get to do more things and have more responsibility. – Ellie

In P7 we have been looking forward to monitoring and helping classes in the morning and at indoor play times. – India

This week we have been busy practising for our assembly and we have enjoyed it. – Murray

We have made QR codes around the full hall about our assembly and our inspirations. I am also proud to be pupil council – Ryan

We have been given our roles and I am a monitor for Term 3. I am looking forward to it. – Michael

We have been learning how to use our Digital Classroom and now we have learned that more than one person can edit a power point. – Tyler

We have been making democracy hands and writing words on them such as kind, helpful and careful. We are putting them on the display outside our classroom. – Liam

We have made pictures out of splashing paint onto paper and it’s an animal in front of the sun at night. We created silhouette images using cut out paper techniques. – Ben

P7 has been fun so far because of what we have been doing in our assembly. – Jackson

After the Railway Children the P7 classes got to stay behind and do a drama workshop. We learned skills to make the setting and they told us how to make our voices go high and low to change character. – Beth

Jack B and I made a tarzia puzzle using our maths knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages. We looked at tenths, hundredths and wholes. – Anthony

We were completing a workbook page to work on our knowledge of place value. – Logan

We have been doing place value up to 816 000 000. I can find the value of numbers. – Ewan

We did a manifesto writing for our writing lesson. We used persuasive vocabulary. – Hannah

I’m really enjoying P7 because I feel like I am at the top of the school and I am responsible for everybody as a role model. – Eva

I am enjoying P7 so far and I am enjoying having a buddy. – Oliver