Primary 5MW

On Wednesday we had our Christmas party. We played party games and did some dancing. Primary 5MW all looked fabulous in their party outfits. In PE we were learning some Scottish Ceilidh dances. We found the dashing white Sargent  tricky but lots of fun.

We have been learning about Australian animals in our Topic and did presentations about an Australian animal.

We’ve been busy learning our table facts in Primary 5mw and B has enjoyed doing division using the bus stop method.

We have taken part in a whole school Christmas STEM challenge. Primary 5 had to make shelves for the toys to sit. It had to be strong enough to hold the toys and be at least 15cm tall.

We have also been writing Christmas stories. S’s was about an elf that lost all it’s magic.  We are really enjoying reading Tom Fletcher’s new book ‘The Christmasaurus and the Naughty List.’

In French we have been learning about different food and drink.

We are looking forward to our Christmas movie tomorrow!