P2 Home Learning- Monday 22nd of June

Good Morning everyone!

We hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for the last week of Primary 2!

Thank you to everyone who has completed their sports day activities and sent in the results. If you haven’t done so you still have a little bit of time as the deadline is 9AM this morning. 

Please remember that you are all invited to join us for a final farewell this Wednesday morning from 10am-12pm. We would love to see you all there!

We hope you enjoyed our special quiz on Friday and well done to CG from P2C for sending in your answers, I can’t believe you managed to guess so many!

Please continue to follow the numeracy and literacy activities from your home learning pack. Here is the extra challenge for today. We have another quiz, this time about Japan. Look at the grid questions below.


Try to match the answers below to the questions in the grid.   


Over 100 Yen 





Bon Odori 

Fusuma (Sliding doors) 


Over 6,000  



Good luck and remember you can send us your answers via the school email.

Miss Morland and Miss Craig 🙂