P3 Learning 21.4.20

Bonjour, la classe!
Il fait du soleil mais if fait du vent aujourd’hui.
Here are your activities for today. Your spelling words are here too. We have set a Studyladder task for the first time so please let us know if there are any problems. We have also set a specific Sumdog task to let us see how you are getting on with your learning.
The teachers will be trying to reach everyone by phone this week to hear how you are getting on and we are looking forward to that!
Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

21.4 20 P3 Home learning Numeracy
21.4.20 P3 Home learning Literacy
Pancakes Comprehension
y and u 20.4.20

2 thoughts on “P3 Learning 21.4.20

  1. Post author

    Hey there, apologies for the confusion. M was to have an activity about hopscotch. Hope you are all staying safe.
    Miss Foote

  2. Morning 🙂

    M has signed on to Studyladder as she wanted to do it online, we cannot find the pancake task, only one that was on it was the hopscotch task.

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