P2 Home Learning Day 4- Thursday 26th of March

Good Morning Everyone!

Miss Craig and I enjoyed reading about the stories that you had written, from the people who had left comments. We have also been checking Study Ladder and Sumdog and have been impressed with how many of you are managing to log on and take part!

Remember today would be one of our PE days, so it might be a good idea to choose an activity from the PE grid which we uploaded on Monday or get outside for some exercise and fresh air.

Home learning grid p2 Literacy Thursday 26th

Home learning grid P2 Numeracy Thursday 26th of March

Enjoy your day and let us what you have been getting up to by leaving a reply in the comments!

2 thoughts on “P2 Home Learning Day 4- Thursday 26th of March

  1. This is fantastic – I hope you have been enjoying the Joe Wicks sessions as they are very hard. Keep up the hard work on your trampoline. Mrs Howard

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