P4s Blog Update 24.9.22

We have been working really hard in P4s since returning from the long weekend.

In Maths, we have been continuing to practice column addition and subtraction and we have been working really hard to improve our jotter presentation.

During our Literacy lessons we have been writing recounts. Last week we entered a fantastic writing competition whereby we wrote about our adventures in the Bathgate Hills. Each class submitted three entries into the competition and we can’t wait to find out if someone from P4s has been successful. We also spent some time learning about homophones, playing fun and interactive games to make it exciting.

In IDL we have started a new topic, Egyptians! We have really enjoyed exploring our new topic through Art, and have already filled our classroom with some wonderful creations…


In P.E. we have been continuing to learn lots about gymnastics as well as going outdoors to participate in weekly team building games.

Two very exciting things have also been happening in class recently:

  1. We have been learning sign language. We have been using this video clip (we absolutely love the song!) and have really, really enjoyed working together as a class to develop our skills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r25auE4eC2o
  2. We made our very own class scarecrow! 🙂
    During our Vertical Learning lessons we were given a bag of resources and asked to use our creativity and imagination to create a scarecrow. We worked together in small groups, communicating well and listening to one another to create our very own scarecrow over two afternoons… we love it!