Numeracy and Maths
We have been learning to order decimals on a number line. We have been looking at information handling and how to sort information using bar graphs and frequency tables. We have learned the importance of grouping data and presenting it in a clear way.
So far in spelling this term, we have been learning common words such as Broxburn, practising, wonderful and difference. We have been doing different fun spelling tasks to help us to spell these words accurately. We have also been using spelling strategies such as syllabification and words within words to help us to spell our words correctly. In writing, we have been writing recounts. A recount is when you write in the past tense about something that you have done. In Listening and Talking we have also been focusing on recounts. We have been sharing our recounts with the rest of the class.
In Spanish, we have been learning Spanish greetings and how to ask and answer the questions, What is your name? and What is your age?
In PE we have started a block of Badminton. In Badminton instead of using a ball we use a shuttlecock. To play Badminton two people both have a racket and one shuttlecock and then you have to pass to your opponent over the net. You have to be fast and accurate. We have had great fun practising our Badminton skills.
In Science we enjoyed an experiment about Friction and Forces. We investigated forces and friction by making a ramp for a car to travel down. We changed the material of the ramp and added others things such as salt to see what would happen to the speed of the car and how far it travelled. We found that the more friction was created, the less car travelled.