P5m Learn it! Log it! Blog it!

Welcome back everyone. We hope you had a good Easter.

We have been looking at our new maths topic which is data handling. We will be looking at bar graphs, line graphs, tally charts as well as different ways and methods of expressing data. We will be conducting our own surveys throughout the class as well as with other children where possible to collect different data sets.

In writing, we have been looking at retelling stories about people in our lives that we no longer and how we can best remember them and we have been structuring our writing to reflect this.

In PE, we are beginning to learn how to accurately serve and return shuttles and we have been looking at how to use an underarm clear as well as an overarm serve.

Please ensure that any letters are returned to school as soon as possible regarding our trip to dynamic earth in Holyrood on Tuesday 31st May.