

We have been learning how to convert between currencies, the differences between credit and debit cards, what an APR is and how to calculate a monthly interest rate.  We were given a group budget to plan a holiday and created group SWAYs to showcase our learning. We are also continuing to participate in our Transition project with Mrs Lundberg at Armadale Academy every week.


In literacy we created our own spooky stories! This was so much fun and we particularly enjoyed sharing these stories with the rest of the class!   We are studying poetry at the moment and we are looking forward to creating our own poems in different styles.


We have moved onto learning about Oceans.  From our class discussion, we had some fantastic ideas for IDL which we will be taking forward in our learning!

Health & Well being

We are completing Health & well being check ins over the next week.  We continue to model the school values of Ready, Respectful, Responsible and Safe.


We are learning Netball and Tag Rugby this term.  We have been focusing on the skills needed for these games such as throwing, passing and footwork.  We continue to do P.E inside and outside during the week.

Other areas

Mandarin – We are taking part in an 8 week block of Mandarin. We can say basic greetings, our name and count to 10!  We have also tried writing Chinese characters during our LIVE  weekly lessons.

 We have enjoyed:

Z – “I like doing rugby, it is fun”

C – “I am enjoying learning how to play netball”

F – “Writing my own spooky story was good; I think it was my best one yet!”

R – “I really enjoyed doing the abstract art and I like learning about budgeting”.