

We have been learning different fraction strategies to find the equivalent fraction and simplifying a fraction.  We have also been learning how to convert between fractions, decimals and percentages, both with and without a calculator.  We are currently revisiting the four operations in word problems and we will continue to improve our accuracy in our times tables.


In literacy we have been working hard on up levelling our writing by using more complex adjectives and connectives.  We had fun pretending to be art critics and did our own reviews on a famous painting called ‘Jeunesse’. We have also created fact files on a chosen influential person and written newspaper reports about Rosa Parks.  We are continuing to read our class novel, ‘The Hunger Games’.


We are finishing up our study of Black History Month with a focus on racism and what we can do to help stop discrimination in our society.  Our next topic is Oceans.  We are looking forward to finding out lots about micro-organisms, life cycles and climate change.

Health & Well being

For Health and Well being, we have been learning about various challenges that people face on a daily basis when they have autism, ADHD, dyslexia and/or cerebral palsy.  This has led to great discussion about how we should treat other people.


We have been learning the skills needed for invasion games, such as Basketball .  We worked on teamwork, throwing and catching, shooting and passing.  We also did Tennis and held our very own mini tournament.  We have completed a bleep test and later in the year we are going to repeat that and compare our scores!

Other areas

Spanish – We have learned how to use daily phrases in Spanish.  We can hold a short conversation saying our name, age and when our birthday is.  We can also share our likes and dislikes.  We can ask questions about feelings and respond with detail.

We have enjoyed:

L – “We wrote our own ‘I have Dream’ speeches based on Martin Luther King.”

H – “ I really enjoyed doing our fact files on a chosen influential person.  I chose Nelson Mandela”.

A – “ I enjoyed doing our portraits of a chosen influential person , I drew Marcus Rashford”.

E – “ Writing a response to the painting ‘Jeunesse’ was different.  It made me happy and I enjoyed creating a review about it.”

R – “ I enjoyed learning how to draw portraits”.

K – “ Art has been really interesting, especially doing the abstract pictures”.

Z – “I enjoyed preparing and presenting my personal presentation as part of Home Learning.”

L – “ We have started learning tag rugby which is a fun game that really tires you out!”

What we will be learning next:

We will be learning Mandarin for the next 8 weeks as part of a West Lothian Council Initiative for 1+2 languages.  These lessons will be live streamed via Teams and we are looking forward to meeting our Mandarin teachers next week!

This term we are going to focus on Netball, Tag Rugby and traditional Scottish Dancing for P.E.