P5mk Blog 8.10.20

Numeracy and Maths

  • JLD liked learning about angles – I learned there are right, acute, obtuse, straight and reflex angles

*ECB has learned about chimney sums and is working on adding and taking away bigger numbers

  • LS has learnt the split strategy.  I split my tens and add them together.  I then split my ones and add them together.  At the end I add my tens to my ones.

*AW has been following directions – North, East, South, West.  They help you find your way home!

*WR loved Maths week.  We had lots of challenges set by the Deputy First Minister.  They were pretty hard but we managed to solve some of them.

*CR has learnt about 2D shape.  He found different types of angles inside the 2D shapes such as acute, right and obtuse.

*MC has been tiling during numeracy with 2D shapes.


Literacy & English

*IE has wrote a story linked to topic about volcanoes.  We used our topic spelling words throughout our writing

  • AM enjoyed writing about Earthquakes.  This was explanation writing and we had to use subheadings to be successful

  • JM has learnt about prepositions.  These are words that tell you the position of a noun.  E.g. on/off, up/down, behind

*EY has been answering questions about something she has read in Topic and being specific in her answer

*CM wrote a story about what it would feel like to be in a natural disaster.


Health & Wellbeing

*AJ has learnt about different roles across the school and that all roles are important in our school community.  We looked at different jobs and their roles (e.g. a judge).  We compared lives in different countries and how this linked to children’s rights.  We played charades to learn about making good choices.

*CSc has been taking part in Orienteering.  She has developed her problem solving and mapping skills through this.  She liked the Harry Potter ones best.

*EP has been enjoying Cross Country.  He has tracked his time each week.  His time has improved by as much as 5 minutes!

*JeD liked learning about Playground games, they were really fun!  She liked the Splat game.  The whole class love Chaos Tig and have been playing it at break.


Across Learning

  • CM has been learning about tornados through Art.  We made a drawing of tornados in front of each other and coloured them in using a technique to make them stand out like 3D.

*AS has enjoyed Topic and learning about Natural Disasters.  Her favourite was the earthquake as she got to learn how to deal with an earthquake (drop, cover and roll).

  • MR loved taking part in a volano erupting experiment.

*AJ loves doing all the Art with Mrs Smillie


Back to School Vibes

  • EM just likes the school in general.

*CSt is quite happy that the school is doing as many things as it can to keep us safe.

*EY likes eating her snack inside as it means there is less litter in the playground

  • AJ likes seeing her friends and being back together.  She gets excited for the summer holidays but likes to be back to see everyone again.