P1 Monday 15.6.20

Good morning Primary 1 and welcome to the start of Health and Fitness Fortnight! We hope that you are ready to participate in lots of sporting challenges and are looking forward to Sport’s Day tomorrow. Information about sport’s day was posted on the bog on Friday, along with a weekly set of Health and Fitness Challenges that you can be working on this coming week.

You will also see that the Literacy and Numeracy tasks have been reduced to one a day instead of three a day. There is an active challenge in our daily grid as well as the whole school teacher video challenge. The Family Learning grid is a little different too.

Learning grid 15.06.20

Family Learning week 11 – 15.6.20

Windyknowe Primary School RRS Challenges P1-3 15.6.20 (1)

Have a good day everyone!

Mrs Messenger, Miss Johnstone, Miss Hendrie and Mrs Cook