P3 Monday 23.3.20

Good morning everyone!

We hope you have had a great weekend with your families. Mrs Settle and I have met up in school to post up your first day of learning activities. We will post 3 literacy and 3 numeracy jobs every morning. On a Monday, we will also post some weekly tasks for you to do. Please remember to record as much as you can in your jotter.

If you have any questions, send them in to the school office and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Keep safe,

Mrs Settle and Miss Foote

23.3.20 Home learning Literacy

wb 23.3 Home learning grid p1-3 Other Curricular Areas

23.3.20 Home learning Numeracy1

2 thoughts on “P3 Monday 23.3.20

  1. Hi Robyn,
    It’s lovely to hear from you. I hope you are enjoying the tasks we have set for you and having fun at St Mary’s.
    Take care!
    From Mrs Settle

  2. Hi,
    I was it St. Mary’s today and will be there tomorrow and I have been doing my work that was sent home.

    Robyn Beresford

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