Lendrickmuir Day 2

Day 2 at Lendrickmuir started with a delicious breakfast of cereal and toast, with a cup of tea. After breakfast we had Time for Reflection when we talked about what made us us and what characteristics identified us. Then we went out and did our team challenges in the woods. This included different types of puzzles which tested our skills. Some of the puzzles were very difficult. When we completed a puzzle and worked as a team we earned team coins for our rocket challenge. The Dark Blue team won the most coins. The order for picking the rockets was decided by the number of coins that we had. When we had finished building our rockets we went out to the field and launched them. The Green team went the furthest.

After team challenges we had a yummy lunch of lentil soup and cheese pizza with coleslaw and salad. After lunch we went to our first activity of the afternoon. The activities included  Kingswing, Bushcraft, Trail Biking, Gorge Walking, Jacob’s Ladder and Mini Survival. During our break at activities we all got a tasty muffin for our snack. The weather was wet and sunny which made our activities even more fun.

When our afternoon activities had finished and we had enjoyed our free team playing football or going to the adventure playground, we came in for dinner. Our choices were meatballs, macaroni cheese with bacon or veggie bolognese, then we had a delicious chocolate puddle pudding.

Our evening activity was called Murder Mystery. It tested our investigative skills as we tried to guess who the murderer was. The suspects included: the maid, the son, the daughter, the wife, the gardener and the chef. The murderer will remain secret as we don’t want to spoil it for next year’s Primary 7…

Now that we have had supper we are about to watch the rest of our movie and play a game of Stop the Bus.

18 thoughts on “Lendrickmuir Day 2

  1. Hi Ellie and classmates

    Sounds like you are having a great time. Enjoy every minute of your trip.

    Can’t wait to hear more updates.

    Mum, Dad and Ethan xx

  2. What an action packed day you had , looking forward to reading what you got up to today. Can’t wait to hear all your stories Abbie. Lots of love Mom , Dad & Leia xx

  3. Sounds like your all are having a fantastic time, thank you for the updates, it’s great to know how much fun you are all having.
    Miss you loads Jessica. Love mum, dad and emily xxx

  4. Hi Amy can’t believe it’s Wednesday already! Sounds like you’re all having so much fun but can’t wait to see you. Love Mum, Dad & Gemma xxx

  5. Sounds like your having a blast enjoy everyone. Looking forward to hearing all about it when you get home Coral missing you loads 🙂 xx

  6. Sounds likes very busy and making lots of great memories…
    Missing you Cal, Love Mum, Lily and Gracie xx

  7. What another great day – sounds like you will be enjoying yourself John. Looking forward to hearing all your stories 👍🏻😃

  8. Murder mystery sounds like fun! Thanks for the blog updates – it’s great to hear what you are all getting up to 😃

  9. Wow – sounds like you are all having such a fantastic action packed time. Can’t wait to see you and hear all about your incredible adventure!! Love you Eva Diva 🦄 Mum, Dad, Robyn & Rebekah 💕 xxxx

  10. Wow another fun packed day, sounds absolutely fantastic! Lawson am I sure that you are having a blast. Could you let Lawson know that we have some exciting news for him (We got the house!) Have a great day 3 son, love you x

  11. Hey Liam,
    Hey everybody! 👍🏻
    Wow!! What a day uz have had 👍🏻😜
    I’ve read it blog twice to try n take everything in, don’t know where to begin talking about it! 😁 amazing 😉
    So I’ll keeo it simple!! AWESOME!! 👍🏻
    Hope uz all having fun!! 😜
    Hey Liam love u wee fella, hope u’ve had great day!! Bet u sleep tonight!! hope u don’t keep ur pals up with ur ………
    Love u #moon #back. 🥰🥰🥰

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